Bloom right where you are.

Therapy for women in transition in Saint Louis, MO

Life is full of constant movement.  Sometimes it’s hard for your heart and mind to catch up.

A move, becoming a parent, deconstructing your faith or any major change can be overwhelming.  Of course you might be anxious and doubt yourself. It’s hard to think clearly with all the different thoughts and feelings you have yet to make sense of. 

New seasons come whether you are ready or not.

While you are adjusting to another new normal, the changes and challenges keep coming.  Even welcome changes can carry the weight of uncertainty.   They often require you to rethink everything and it can make you feel like you are starting over with no idea what life will be like - much less what you want it to look like.

You might be feeling like you can’t quite find your rhythm.

Maybe you’re…

  • distracted, you’re putting dishes away and suddenly realize you didn’t even hear your preschooler chatting away at you.

  • overwhelmed, you have too much on your plate to even respond to a friend’s text.

  • indecisive, you wonder if you’re driving your husband crazy going back and forth on a decision - unable to decide because of all the possible outcomes..

  • sad, you feel the ache of a loss and wonder when everything will stop feeling so weird.

  • stressed, you’ve just had another tense conversation with your mom and you’re wishing you never vented to her in the first place.

 Women often don’t have the support they deserve.

Women tend to hold a lot in and focus on other’s needs so in times of transition we often end up with a lot of background noise in our brain as we try to process and assimilate our new experiences.   This background noise is very draining - often leaving us feeling overstimulated and disconnected.


    having a baby

    divorce or breakup

    changing career paths



    loss of a loved one

    medical diagnoses

    divorce or breakup

    job loss


    faith deconstruction

    evolving parenting choices

    personal growth

    transformative experiences

Sometimes the change is within you and that can make it even harder to find your footing.

Things are the same but you’ve changed.

You’re not afraid to make good trouble, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.  It’s taxing to go against the grain. Maybe you parent differently than your parents did, or you’re rethinking your faith and what it means to live your values.  Maybe you’re finally voicing your true opinion on politics or  you’ve grown and changed in ways that challenge ‘who you’ve always been’ to the people around you.  Personal growth is often a lot less poetic and a lot more messy than we want it to be.

Imagine embracing the unknowns with hope.

Perhaps this is what this season is all about?  Finding peace in the uncertainty, trading fear for freedom, and learning to love your story. When you take the time to offer yourself the space to reimagine, learn from your experiences, and assimilate them into your life all the possibilities open up.

Therapy for women in transition can help you…

  • Let go of guilt for the boundaries you have set.

  • Find comforting ways to honor your losses 

  • Be present with your kids

  • Confidently own your decisions - even when other people don’t get it.

Frequently asked questions about counseling for women


  • The length of time in counseling varies significantly. Ultimately, you will be the one who decides when it is time to wrap up our work together but we will collaboratively talk about what makes sense for you. Some women come for brief, focused support and work with me for a few months. Many others meet regularly for a year or more and then still maintain some regular sessions as part of their self care routine. The goal is for you to have the level of support you need and that will always guide my scheduling recommendations.

  • Some of the most common diagnoses for my clients are anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, and oobsessive compulsive disorder. Clients benefit from therapy whether or not they meet the criteria for a specific diagnosis. However, identifying a diagnosis can be helpful in understanding symptoms, identifying helpful supports, and is necessary to justify insurance reimbursement if you are applying for reimbursement through out of network benefits.

  • You can click here to schedule a free 15 minute call. We will use this time to answer any questions you have and find out if we are a good fit. When you schedule an appointment I will ask for some of your basic information to set you up in our online portal. Through this secure HIPAA compliant portal you will be able to complete any paperwork and access our video sessions.

 Together, let’s reimagine the possiblities.