Compassionate support for TEEN girls

Christian Counseling for teens in St. Louis

You’re not quite sure what your daughter needs, but you want her to have all the help she can right now.

If you are here looking for a counselor for your teen, it’s likely you’ve recently realized that she’s not as okay as you thought. Maybe she asked to see a counselor and you were surprised because she seemed mostly ok other than the normal teenage angst.  Or maybe you’ve been informed of some pretty serious concerns that were not on your radar before like self harm or risky internet behavior.  In any case it’s disconcerting and it’s easy to panic and re-think all of your parenting decisions.

The good news is, you are both going to be okay.

You have a child who is brave, bold, and trusts you enough to send you the message that she needs help.  And you are the type of parent who shows up no matter what. 

Maybe you’ve noticed she …

  • Chooses to stay in her room alone most of the time

  • Has frequent mood swings

  • Worries about school - even though she typically does well

  • Gets angry when you are trying to help

  • Is unsure what to do with the friend drama

 Your teen wants to be happy, successful, and connected with her family. She may just need help to get there.

Imagine seeing your teen…

  • Able to separate her self worth from peer drama

  • Energized and interested in family time

  • Routinely managing school related stress

  • Excited about social events instead of nervous

How therapy works

Your teen is dealing with a lot.

A relationship with a counselor can make a huge difference.

The teen years are exciting for the same reasons they are so challenging. They are doing so many things for the first time while everything is changing all around them and within them.

I find that the teen years are an extremely helpful time for girls to see a counselor. With support, they are able to set healthy habits for how they manage stress, friendships, and their own emotions. In this pivotal time, they are figuring out what it means to be independent but are often easily impacted by others. Counseling can open the door for them to be intentional about showing up in ways that fit who they want to be instead of who others expect them to be. This often leads to healthier relationships, a deeper faith, and the strength to stand up to peer pressure.

Counseling can help your teen…

  • Be more sure of who she is and what she thinks

  • Gain the skills to manage worry, social anxiety, and panic attacks

  • Increase her communication skills

  • Have a better understanding of what her relational needs are, how to ask for them, and what to do if they are not being met

Frequently asked questions about Christian Counseling for teens


  • This depends a lot on each family’s unique situation and goals. As a parent, you will always be kept up to date on treatment goals, safety concerns, and recommendations for additional support your teen needs. We do this via communication in our secure messaging system, phone calls, or session time. It’s also very important that your teen knows she can tell me anything and has the space and privacy for counseling to be effective. I make sure my clients understand how much I respect their privacy and have a full understanding of how and why I communicate with parents.

    There are many complex family dynamics that impact how parents or guardians are involved in the therapeutic process. If you have questions about your unique situation, please reach out by clicking here.

  • Yes! I have many clients that are older teens. I have a particular specialty with middle school girls but I will see older teens who are a good fit and many of my clients that connect with me during their early teen years return to see me as older teens or adults.

  • You can click here to schedule a free 15 minute call. We will use this time to answer any questions you have and find out I am a good fit for your teen. Your teen is welcome to talk with me and ask any questions they may have as well. When you schedule an appointment I will ask for some of your family’s basic information to set you up in our online portal. Through this secure HIPAA compliant portal you and your teen will be able to complete any paperwork and access our video sessions.

 Give her the space to discover who she truly is.